Ep 63- Reconceptualizing The Role of a Sports Performance Coach w/ Tyler Yearby

For today's episode, my guest is Tyler Yearby!!

Tyler has been a multi time guest on this podcast, appearing back in episode 24 and episode 1.

This time around, Tyler and I discuss his travels to England and China discussing ecological dynamics and using a CLA in practice.

One of the concepts that Tyler is presenting on is "Reconceptualizing the Role of a Sports Performance Coach", which is seeks to change the way coaches interact w/ their athletes. We dive into that in today's episode.  Enjoy!

If you like today's episode, leave a review here....If you want to reach me directly, contact me on social media or shoot me @javier@emergentmvmt.com.

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Credits: Song- "Starstruck" by Freebeats.io

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Twitter: @thecoachjav
IG: @thecoachjav


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